The World Wide Web ends here.

You have reached the last page of the Internet. This is the end of the road.

There's nothing ahead, only the breeze of eternity and the echo of your other life.
Behind lies everything, a trail of breadcrumbs over a path of multicolored tiles created with ones and zeros.

Have you been a good person?
Have you visited interesting sites, have you learned along the way?
Have you laughed, have you enjoyed yourself?
If so, the journey has been worth it.

If not, don't be discouraged. There's still much to learn, to experience, to live...

You've reached the end, but this is not the end. Visit another page, load another game, or lift your eyes from your device to embrace a life that extends beyond this digital frontier.

Live as you wish but never forget that you exist, that you are important, that you leave a mark. No one is too small to leave one.

There will always be someone who remembers you and loves you. And if not, it's because you haven't found them yet.
They're out there, believe me, shining in a special way. I can see them from here, from the end of the Internet.

When you find them, treat them well, tell them how you feel, because they won't always be there. One day, they too will become a memory, just like you, and in here only your ones and zeros will remain, static, forever.