Victor Baldoví. Writer and screenwriter - Web Surfer Navigator
Victor Baldoví Site, writer and screenwriter. Victor Baldoví
Writer and screenwriter

Chapter 1
About Me

My name is Baldoví, Victor Baldoví, a writer and screenwriter. I love to create stories that transport readers and viewers to different times and places, allowing them to forget their problems while reflecting on the importance that EVERYONE has in this world. Although my writing interests are varied, I have a particular fascination with World War II, a recurring theme in my work, of which I am a true expert. My stories are very visual and cinematic, designed to captivate, entertain, and move even the hardest hearts.

I love cinema. As a child, my best friends were movie characters, literally. I spent as much time as possible among fictional characters at the now-vanished Waldorf, Urgel, and Palacio Balañá cinemas in Barcelona. Years later, I had the great fortune to start working at Cine Comedia, first as a doorman and shortly thereafter as a 35mm and digital projectionist, ticket seller, and popcorn vendor. I worked there for over 25 years until its closure in January 2024. I am a fan of the Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and James Bond sagas, and I would love to write a screenplay for them.

I have completed two postgraduate degrees in screenwriting: one for film at the ECIB (Escola de Cinema de Barcelona) and another for television series at the ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya). Additionally, I have participated in several creative writing and audiovisual narrative workshops, where I honed my skills and met prominent industry professionals.

Throughout my career, I have worked on various projects ranging from short films to digital content. My passion for storytelling has led me to explore different genres and formats, always seeking new ways to connect with the audience and convey emotions through paper and screen.

My goal is to continue growing as a writer and screenwriter, exploring new stories and challenges, and contributing to the world of literature, film, and television with innovative and exciting proposals.

If you need help with your project or do you have one in mind, check out my list of services.


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